Samara Stein
Registered Massage Therapist
Osteopathic Manual Practitioner
Samara Stein is an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner who has been a practicing as a therapist since 1998. She graduated from McMaster University with her Bachelor of Science and then continued on to receive her diploma in Massage Therapy from Sutherland-Chan Massage Therapy School. Samara subsequently graduated from the Canadian College of Osteopathy and received her Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Therapy in 2008. Samara is currently the head of Paediatric Osteoapthy at the Canadian College of Osteopathy teaching the fourth year paedatrics course and leading the paedatric student clinic. She has spoken at mothers’ groups about the benefits of osteopathy for babies, and to dentistry clinics on how osteopathy can help infants and babies with tongue ties.
Samara has been working at Footprints Therapy for over 25 years, first as a massage therapist and then as an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner. She took over the practice as of 2014.
While at Osteopathy school Samara initiated the formation of the student council at the Canadian Collage of Osteopathy. She also was a student and graduate representative on the board of the Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners.
Samara has taken numerous courses in advanced paediatrics, obstetrics, advanced craniosacral therapy, biodynamics, and courses on the linkage between body structure and emotions. She specializes in treating infants with latching and feeding issues, traumatic birth, colic, plagiocephaly, constipation, torticollis, and a variety of other special needs. She also specializes in treating woman with fertility and pre and postpartum issues. Samara has a particular interest in children and adults with mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. She has completed an 8 month course in clinical homeopathy and has been integrating it into her practice.
Samara is registered with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) and is a member of the Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners (OAO). She held board positions on the OAO as a student and as a graduate. She remains an active member within both the CMTO and OAO.