Cheryl Lee
Registered Physiotherapist
Osteopathic Manual Practitioner
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist
Cheryl has been an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner since 2009. She graduated as Registered Physiotherapist in 1995 in Boston where she continued further post graduate studies in Sports Medicine, Orthopedic, Paediatric and Geriatric Manual Therapy.
She has incorporated osteopathy in her practice for various conditions such as bronchitis, pneumonia, torticollis, colic, inner ear infection, sinusitis, concussions, TMJ dysfunctions, Sports injuries, digestive, gynecology & obstetrics, paediatric related conditions.
As a mother of two teenagers, she has naturally developed a special passion for health in women, newborns, children, teens and elderly. She has acquired further training in Matt and Reformer Stott Pilates, elderly balance, food-related sensitivity in Eczema, Colitis & Metabolic syndrome, healthy cooking and baking.
In addition to work, she enjoys water activities like windsurfing & sailing, taking children of her own, neighbours’ & friends’ for a beach picnic, paddle boarding, swimming, ravine hike & bike ride. She loves traveling and learning about other cultures and food. She is passionate about better living.